This Realization Will Make You The Best Version Of Yourself

This Realization Will Make You The Best Version Of Yourself

We are energy. We are not our bodies. Our energy animates our body. Think of yourself as an infinite being that occupies the body.

As I work with clients, I identify their negative loop patterns from exploring the origin!

Deeply buried thoughts, traumas, and often negative childhood experiences sit inside our energy field and set up shop there creating repeating patterns and beliefs that shape your outer world negatively.

These experiences form judgments that act like filters that transform what comes starts out as our wishes and wants and turns them into negative experiences that match the patterns established inside our judgement filters. We must remove these filters.

It doesn’t matter how much therapy you go through to be the best version of yourself. If you haven’t gone back to identify and remove the origin of the filters-patterns and the emotion, then the place in your body it is felt, such as your stomach or neck or head as an example, and done the healing work, without this spiritual surgery, therapy doesn’t help us to show up authentically.

Depending on who you work with, coaching doesn’t help either if you exclude this key component. The way I work is that once we have blasted out these patterns, then, and only then, can we be open to receiving the wonderful experiences,people, and things we want!

If you are interested in one on one sessions with me, we will get this right. Blast it out and start creating your desired outer world now.

Not being able to “handle” what life throws at you is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign that your physical body needs to flush out emotional experiences that created filters judgements and patterns that are distorting your perceptions and the vibrational frequency you emanate.

Your body sends out a frequency and actual situations are also on frequencies.

Negative experiences are attracted to heavy dense vibrational frequencies, (from patterns) while positive joy filled frequencies flow through our cells causing homeostasis and match positive joy filled abundant experiences and circumstances.

But when you hold these heavy patterns from previous traumas often imprinted into us from our parents such as fear, worry, anger, sadness, distorting our cells to become sick, this is why stress causes disease, our frequency when it is dense causes us to emit lower frequencies that create a nonstop cycle of bad experiences. (Bad luck)

No matter how high the frequencies are of our desires, the frequencies emitting from our bodies MUST match.

How can we get them to match? Work with me to learn my techniques and process to hack them. I can share how you can emit higher frequencies all day.

This fast-track pass to happiness and fulfillment is when we do the clean up of our original programmed imprints and learn to remove them then also practice daily techniques how to override new bad intended imprints as they show up. The art and skill of this framework is how to stay in a higher frequency.

We also learn to welcome and embody qualities that make it easier to override future negative patterns before they start. Stop them before they even start.

I am only able to take on limited new clients per month because it is not automated impersonal. My training in one on one and 4 weeks long.

I look forward to helping you soon.

[email protected]

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