Use This To Connect To The Pure Source Of Love

Use This To Connect To The Pure Source Of Love

Say this every morning after you connect to the pure source of love and white light… and expand your energy 360 degrees around you like a sunshine.


I embrace a holistic balanced way of living. I can access a deeper level inside myself where everything is possible. When I access this corridor, a feeling of contentment washes over me and I live each moment in the creative process of actualizing and realizing my dreams.

I express my life purpose by following my heart. I continue to gain a deeper level of understanding into the truth of affluence and fulfilment.

A feeling of contentment washes over me with the realization that I can have do and be anything.

Each day is an adventure where I trust in the future, let go of the past and appreciate the present as it unfolds.

I can transform my negative feelings by stepping into a similar dimension where a more favorable reality exists. Where I can wrap myself with feelings of sheer excitement.

I know that by being wrapped into a higher frequency feeling that I am orchestrating this new reality opening up to me as I continue this journey.

I let go of the past trust the future and embrace the journey of now unfolding in faith that I can have do and be anything.

I understand that having an open mind and heart is the key to success.

I accept a better view of myself and of my outer world which includes actualizing my talents skills, a view of great success, synergistic loving productive relationships, and incredible exciting new experiences which may challenge my comfort zone until it is normal and comfortable to be inside the adventure enjoying having, being, and doing anything.

As long as it is in the highest good of me others and the world we live in, I know I can have, do, and be anything.

I wrap myself in the sheer blanket of excitement looking forward to what is coming while I appreciate the moment I am currently in right now.

I lovingly become aware of and validate my lower emotional feelings as they occur by shifting into a neutral, more powerful standpoint.

Observing from a bigger picture standpoint exploring the possible origin, then letting it go.

I have the power to step into a similar dimension where the positive opposite is possible when I embody new qualities. I transform my reality by making the conscious decision of acquiring new attributes and qualities that better my view of myself, and my view of my world.

A feeling of contentment washes over me as I understand self mastery. Immediately followed by a another wave, crashing over me…. Again and again a feeling of sheer excitement knowing that I can have, do, or be anything.

This higher level of consciousness and acceptance act as the seeds planted for my future reality. I understand that it is within my chosen vibrational feelings that are the actual seeds of my future reality to sprout and grow, while unfolding and nourishing my desire to have,do, and be anything.

This intimate connection inside myself is my authentic self and I choose to exist from this level of mind.


Joanna Renner
Coach 💥❤️
The NJ Feng Shui Realtor