The Fascinating Science of Emotional Transfer: How to Shield Your Positivity and Harness the Power of Energy Exchange

The Fascinating Science of Emotional Transfer: How to Shield Your Positivity and Harness the Power of Energy Exchange

So when my boys were little and they had a fever, I would place my hand on their tiny burning hot belly. 

After a few minutes, my hand seemed to absorb their intense heat and their belly cooled significantly. 
I felt like I was drawing the heat out rather than just cooling them off.
I experienced their baby heat transferring into my body and me removing it from theirs. 
I would repeatedly do this and their fever would sometimes break just from this alone which, to me was miraculous. 
Around that time, I began to notice a “transfer” of energy with many other things and became obsessed with it. 
I began to observe instances in work environments and elsewhere, seeing a joy filled person interact with a miserable person. 
Then they switched 😳and the joy filled person now is miserable and the miserable person walks away joy filled. 
I actually saw the transfer! 
So I began to ponder if it was similar to heat transfer. 
I always understood that 
a conversation with someone in a bad mood can sometimes leave you feeling drained or upset, even if you were in a great mood initially,
but what fascinated me was how the good mood got transferred into them! It’s wild to witness it!
This is the part that makes me ponder This isn’t just your imagination—there’s a fascinating science behind this phenomenon!
Recently I dug deeper and this phenomenon is not just psychological,
It has roots in the science of energy transfer and “emotional contagion.”
Just as heat transfers through physical contact, emotions and energy can transfer through interpersonal interactions, 
influencing our well-being and that of others. It’s a remarkable aspect of human connection and the science behind it makes it all the more intriguing.
So people “catch” emotions from others, much like how we might catch a cold. 
This transfer of emotions can occur through subtle signals like facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice.
We have brain receptor neurons that mimic the emotions and actions of those around us.
So we actually absorb and become who we spend time with! 
So how do we remain resilient and positive even when faced with negativity? 
How can we sustain ourselves as a powerhouse of love kindness, abundance and positivity? 
Well, in science, several barriers can inhibit or prevent heat transfer. 
One is insulation, another is a vacuum which blocks heat transfer, and another very interesting way is a “reflective surface” so a shield.  I loved the reflective shield idea! 
So how do we use the science analogy to become a courageous impenetrable samurai warrior navigating negative low vibe people all around us? 
How can we become insulated inside our positivity and shield ourselves? 
How can we create a vacuum sealed protective pocket of LOVE YOUR LIFE VIBE? 
My next open slot of sessions teach exactly how to access “the gap” which is the inexhaustible supply of our TRUE natural state of being. An impenetrable state of being. 
Joanna Renner 