Owning Pets, Coronavirus, and You

Owning Pets, Coronavirus, and You

I was thinking about my dogs, Murray and Sophie, and how your pets or the desire to have them can and may play an important role in your emotional state.

I have been reaching out to, thinking about, and worried about some friends and family who might not be handling shelter in place social distancing very well.

Some people are experiencing feelings of uncertainty, anger, or frustration about how long you will need to remain sheltered, and uncertainty about what is going to happen.

I was worried for people who might be having feelings of isolation, loneliness, sadness, or boredom. Guilt about not being able to perform normal work?

Fear over loss of income,

OR even, changes in sleep or eating patterns.

I know I have been staying up much later than usual reading researching and even working.

So listen to this!

Some people live in places which do not allow pets but as it turns out, if you do have a pet, studies show these negative feelings from COVID-19 social distancing might be handled so much easier! ☺

I started reading about the therapeutic effects that pets provide! A Snuggled Murray’s 🐶 weight is resting on my legs as I type this. 

Pets give you the ability to fulfill the basic human need for touch.

Even rough and tough hardened criminals in prison show long-term changes in their behavior after interacting with pets, many of them experiencing mutual affection for the first time.

It is proven that hugging, or otherwise touching a loving animal can rapidly calm and soothe you when you’re stressed or anxious.

I think of how my children could be in the grouchiest mood but the minute their dogs are near, the pitch in their voice turns to baby talk high pitched love talk. Lol! It makes me smile every time.

The companionship of a pet can also especially ease loneliness, and most dogs are a great stimulus for healthy exercise, forcing you to give them walks which can substantially boost your mood and ease depression.

Bottom line, if social distancing and shelter in place has not really changed your mental health, chances are you have adorable pets to keep your mood energy in the best frequency of all, LOVE ❤️

It is no surprise that one of the many reasons many of my first time home buyers decide to stop renting and buy their own home is because their apartment forbids pets!

So many time, one of the first things my first time home buyers do is get a new pet for their new backyard!

If social distancing has made you realize you don’t love the place where you’re currently spending most of your time, it’s a good time to consider comparing and evaluating your current rent dollar amount with what a complete monthly mortgage payment would look like instead!

Right now with lower interest rates, the reality is, you can own a home for less per month than you can rent an equivalent property in most areas!

While wanting pets is, of course, not at all a good enough reason to relocate on its own, feeling unhappy in general about the short comings of your current residence is!

Surprisingly, I have been receiving a great many calls to discuss relocating and to give guidance during a time that most would think real estate has come to a screeching halt! I believe being forced to stay at home forces you to realize if you love it or can’t stand it anymore.

If social distancing has made you realize you don’t love the place where you’re currently spending most of your time, it’s a good time to consider buying.

This might be the best time to create and plan a move to the right place which aligns with all your personal needs. A place you would not mind a quarantine! Maybe a place you can have the pets you’ve always wanted?

In my opinion, this temporary softening of the real estate market will likely be followed by a strong rebound, once the quarantine is lifted.

Murray and Sophie both agree.



Joanna Renner
Always Exceeding Expectations🏠💫
Keller Williams Realty
West Monmouth
Direct Cell ☎️ 646-296-6864

#Quarantine #Social distancing #Pets #Real estate

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