Going From Fear To Faith

Going From Fear To Faith

Fear to FAITH ❤️

Since this virus became the main event in all of our lives, I will admit, I have been so full of fear.

Before I actually personally knew anyone who had this virus, I was simply taking my usual “germaphobe” approach to life.

But as I came to know friends, family, clients who contracted COVID, things got real! Real AND scary….

Born and raised in NYC now resident of New Jersey, I find myself in the midst of a real threat. Months earlier, I was following the news about China and was feeling somewhat removed and safe because I am here and the virus was there. But now we have become the TOP BREAKING NEWS!

So many people who passed away too early in life around the world and now so close to home. My heart is broken for these families and their terrible loss. 💔

Schools being closed eased my fears somewhat in relief to know my children were safe but my husband remaining an essential worker having to travel to NYC every day stirred a surge of adrenaline a few times a day. This adrenaline was fear.

I wanted to figure out exactly what I could do to ease my own fears.

So I became very AWARE of my own thoughts. I realized that there is a story I create and tell myself just prior to experiencing this feeling of fear.

We all do this. So what if I took control over my thoughts and my self told story?

I am going to open up to you about a pretty cool trick I created to make my fears turn to faith. 🙏🏻

I needed to use an analogy. A visual to imagine.

I Imagined that my thoughts were me riding a beautiful happy horse down a lovely path.

The path represents the direction of my thoughts or my story I think to myself at any given moment throughout the day.

Noticing that I hold the reigns to my horse with the power to make my horse turn directions. I lead my horse down the trail of MY CHOICE in thoughts.

So think of this! And yes I am about to sound a bit wacky if I haven’t already lol 😂 you are already this much invested in reading so now you have to finish. 😉

With anything in life, what if you can be AWARE and notice when your horse (thoughts) goes down a negative path which restricts you, a scary road, 🐴 😳 to unhappiness and fear.

Thoughts which lead to any unpleasant feeling, fear. What if you can gently tug on the reigns and signal to your horse to change directions to take a different path, a positive path? A better story to tell yourself with a hopeful positive outcome.

Using this analogy I began to gain peace. I was able to change from FEAR to EASE

From FEAR to PEACE within myself because the moment I started to spin a scary story like for example, God Forbid, one about my closest loved ones falling ill to COVID, I would yank those reigns to direct my horse from the path of fear to the opposite…


Faith is a positive story which ends with the best outcome.

Faith is being supremely confident in our best outcome.

Almost like we connect ourselves to a calm knowing. 🙏🏻 ommmmm ☺️

I recently began meditating just to this word, FAITH. Contemplating on its meaning. 🙏🏻

To live your life in this energy is truly different. I have experienced such peace just from this conscious flipping from fear to faith. 😩 ➡️ 🙏🏻 🥰

It has allowed me to focus more on the tiny blessings which I may have been taking for granted.

I have been taking greater care to the people in my life and the details of my environment. Making my home homier! Loving the kid’s sense of humor, enjoying their delicious little perspectives from their eyes. Soaking up sunshine with my dogs in my yard.

Watching the kids laugh hysterically on the trampoline. Tending to plants. Organizing, cooking with greater care, appreciating everyone in my life so much more.

Checking up more on family and friends who are alone. These positive actions created JOY and GRATITUDE inside my heart.

Feel free to use my horse analogy to pull on the reigns in your own life. Then choose positive actions to make brighten your day.

🐴 🙏🏻❤️

Most of us tend to focus too much on the negative. This is true for many situations aside from COVID so by looking at all the positive options, you often realize that you’re causing yourself suffering for an event that is not even real!

Think about that.

Fear is causing yourself suffering for something which is not even happened or something which is not real.

It’s impossible for us to predict the future but what if we realize we are the creators of our present moment. I realized that there are so many blessings I can count and so many positive moments I can create.

Maybe when we tell ourselves the story in our mind, that creates fear, switch it to a story that produces gratitude instead. Maybe even switch it to an action which creates joy.

We know that our feelings come from our thoughts. If we are imagining bad outcomes and have an internal dialog with ourselves that is negative or scary then we also have the power to change this in the same exact way to something wonderful and positive. ❤️

In light of this virus, and whatever fears you’re facing, remember that the only thing that matters is that you tune in to your thoughts, listen to yourself, trust in your own internal dialogue and your power to change it. 🐴

Soon this quarantine will come to an end. What if learning this one skill will be the positive lesson that has resulted? Creating a skill from a bad life event is an amazing opportunity we should not pass up.

Fear to Faith will surely be a life long skill we can take away from this scary COVID event.

So go ahead and send me all your fears and I will send you back all my faith 🙏🏻


Joanna Renner
Always Exceeding Expectations🏠💫
Keller Williams Realty
West Monmouth
Direct Cell ☎️ 646-296-6864

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