How To Reclaim The Generous Gift Of Spring From The GLOOM Of COVID-19

How To Reclaim The Generous Gift Of Spring From The GLOOM Of COVID-19

Has this new virus distracted you from Spring?

Well, allow me to remind you!

Spring is happening all around us. Leaves are budding on trees, birds are singing outside our windows, we may see baby bunnies, ducklings, chipmunks, and other adorable animals right now.

We even have more daylight! ☀️

Tulips emerge from the ground, we receive an abundance of rain and many flowers begin to bloom. 🌸

How generous of mother nature to provide us with such gifts! 🎁 🎁 🎁

Okay stop rolling your eyes 🙄My useful point is coming soon so please read on 🙏🏻☺

Ahhhhh nature.

These gifts are all around us right now but are you distracted with watching the news, scrolling on social media, reading dumb articles 😂(not this one of course) and worrying instead of taking notice and acting on Spring’s supreme message to all of us?

Spring is delivering a subtle yet very important message to all of us.

So how can we receive this message and allow ourselves to become inspired to mirror the gifts of spring to ourselves and to the people around us?

Here are some “Joanna thoughts” which may actually shift your thinking, this is kind if poetic.

To me, more daylight means more time, remember to be more generous with your time and your undivided attention to yourself and to others. Even as we are home quarantined, the quality of our attention to our own families may not be the best.

Giving our undivided attention is such an amazing gift 🎁 take notice now as Spring gently lays the gift of more time on our doorsteps.

Notice, more baby animals means more nurturing and more affection. Remember to nurture and be more affectionate to those you love. ❤️ hugs, warmth, love, food, nourish those you love 🤗

Notice and appreciate the rain. ☔️ To me the rain symbolizes the quenching of thirst. What are you thirsty for as the winter ends? Is it a thirst for knowledge?

Pour this rain into your own life! The time now is to quench our thirst what ever it may be.

The rain also symbolizes the washing away of negativity. Watch as the negative people circumstances or even thoughts get washed and carried away from you in a downpour of rain. Bye bye negativity! ⛈ ⚡️

Blooming flowers means having creative ideas. Make your ideas bloom and burst into a gorgeous colorful reality! Take action now on all of the ideas you never had the courage to make happen. These ideas have come to you for a reason and as an inspiration. They are meant to bloom into existence now.

Birds singing means pay attention to the power of your voice.

Allow the beauty of your carefully orchestrated words to ring as music to someone else’s ears. Be mindful of what you say to others now. You are that singing bird outside someone’s window. Have your words become a spring time song and a gift to those who hear what you have to say. ❤️

More leaves means more oxygen in the air!

This, to me, is the supreme reminder to reconnect to your own beautiful life giving deep breaths.

Taking notice of your own deep breaths and having deep gratitude for this effervescent fresh air!

Also, to remember to be supremely focused in the present moment. Worrying about the future or regretting the past means we are not appreciating the present moment.

It means our thinking or stressing and worrying is making us stuck in the future or our past and reality we are actually not alive in our NOW.

Think about that!

By taking notice of our breath, which provides you with life, is to be present in the NOW. Appreciate your fresh air! Spring time gives us lush leaves and provides even more fresh oxygenated air now.

If we can be aware of the generosity of nature through this season of Spring, we can become gifts to our selves and to others by MIRRORING what Spring provides.

So don’t drive or walk right past the trees without noticing their buds because….

one day they are completely bare

….and the next day the branches are

full of the thick leaves and you will have missed the beauty of the unfolding process in between.

These lovely spring days and nights are ours now! We can make ourselves the generous gift to ourselves and to one another as this generous season is to us right now.

Take notice! Create alongside with nature! Spring is here and so are we 🙏🏻❤️☺

Done ✅ ok you can stop reading…now get outside! 😂


Joanna Renner
Always Exceeding Expectations🏠💫
Keller Williams Realty
West Monmouth
Direct Cell ☎️ 646-296-6864

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