New Manifesting Technique That Actually Works (Try This Today)

New Manifesting Technique That Actually Works (Try This Today)

The technique of “ Wouldn’t it be nice if..”

Sometimes you want to manifest something and embraced the whole idea of The Law of Attraction but you truly can’t believe it to be resonating with the actual possibility of it coming true.

You feel like it is a wish that is not likely or like something really impossible. This technique allows the matching vibration of it coming into fruition without that “Who amI kidding?” Energy vibe

You simply say, “Wouldn’t it be nice if…”

This allows you to imagine and allow it!

Many books I have read refer to this in different ways. One such book is “The amazing Power of Deliberate Intent”

Examples of using this phrase to call it to you for right now.

“Wouldn’t it be nice if I find my keys right now?”

“Wouldn’t it be nice if the traffic opens up and begins to flow?”

“Wouldn’t it be nice if an opportunity to make more money comes to me today?”

“Wouldn’t it be nice if I begin to feel youthful today?”

“Wouldn’t it be nice if the clients or customers I seek, actually seek me out today?”

“Wouldn’t it be nice if my spouse appreciates me and compliments me today?”

“Wouldn’t it be nice if I hear from someone that I truly admire today?”

Now you are imagining the images and the feelings which match you to the vibration of that reality.

Also know, inherent of having the desire is the mechanics of its fulfillment! 💞

The universe is a big dream machine churning out dreams and transforming them into reality.

Our own dreams are woven into the overall scheme of things. The mechanics of these dreams are in the power of intention or desire but our belief and vibe needs to match!

Use the “Wouldn’t it be nice if..” technique to jump into the fun of the BIG DREAM MACHINE. 💞and create the matching vibrational energy to call it in now.


Have an amazing day!


Joanna Renner

BTW I train people to become intimately aware of their own intuition. I also teach Feng Shui and how to get rid of blocks we hold in our energy.

I am also a realtor who sees many successful outcomes consistently by facilitating transactions with the ease of positivity through my special process that anticipates all possibilities and prepares for every one ahead of time. 💞

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