How To Ground Yourself (Powerful Technique)

How To Ground Yourself (Powerful Technique)

Going into your weekend please reflect on what you are connected to each moment. What does it mean to be grounded?

Whenever I think about “grounding”, I think of the movie “Pretty Woman” when Julia Robert encourages Richard Gere to take off his shoes and socks and to walk barefoot in the grass.

The center of the earth holds a divine love. Call it Mother Nature, call it a mother’s love. Nurturing energy which allows all your needs to be met ahead of time before you even know to ask.

When ever there was a frustration about getting my life to be a certain way, it was because I was not aware of my connection to being “grounded”

So try this just for fun!

Take some time to visualize your naked feet firmly standing in a field of lush grass or earth, create and imagine a lovely beam of white light flowing from God from way up above down through your crown ….down your spine, through your legs and out your feet….down into the center of earth…

… will begin to feel this divine loving mother’s love energy. It will feel warm and loving silently supporting and nurturing your every need. You will feel this warm loving mother’s energy shooting back up through your feet, legs, stomach, heart, throat, head, and all throughout your spine and body.

I realized that once I became aware of this total connection to be grounded as well as to be continuously inspired to all possibilities from God above as a continuous flow…

… I began to relax into the flow of experience rather than slicing life into bits that should be judged analyzed accepted or rejected.

I began to Consciously create change through intention and awareness.

The state of awareness is so important. Quiet your mind in all its fears worries judgments and stress. Feel supported loved adored and that all your needs are met before you even know to ask for them.

See beyond the fruitless search for perfect pleasure power or success. See that you are part of a flow and that Your past has no power.

You can trust that you are supported spontaneously.

Set the ego aside. Go beyond I…

You are the field of awareness itself. You realize you are meant to be free all along from past thoughts and memories.

You are enough. Be in awareness. Quiet.

I am always safe and secure.

I am totally grounded.

Once you are connected and fully supported…Thinking sends ripples of energy everywhere throughout creation.

Feel this divine unstoppable force pushing you forward. Feel loving energy already set to bring you everything you’ll ever need.

See yourself reflecting in the world. Realize your life has been a result of your state of awareness. No longer confined to your body and now you begin to identify with your actual awareness of this energy of ALL POSSIBILITIES.

Have an amazing weekend💞
Joanna Renner

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