Stop Doing This To Access Magic and Inspiration

Stop Doing This To Access Magic and Inspiration

That’s SO BAD!

Judgment is the ego-self looking to avoid experiencing things it doesn’t like but as you will see in most cases, it is a waste of precious time. When we judge things as bad it is like a GPS Navigation to guide us away from experiences, things or outcomes we want to avoid.

This is extremely helpful to our survival! But it is also a booby trap because once we get into the habit of judging too frequently, it begins to block the magic of what our lives can actually be!

It is interesting to realize that when we spend time judging, we actually step out of the present moment.

It is also so interesting to know that our only chance to experience and be infused with amazing ideas, inspiration, joy, and happiness is when we are in the present moment!

Every time you spend a lot of energy and time to pass judgement about someone or a situation, you are ON PURPOSE, blocking yourself from any chance to be zapped with inspiration creativity and joy. You are, in effect, stealing from your own potential to be more in life.

When we begin to actively get away from labels interpretations, evaluations, descriptions of right or wrong, good or bad, we immediately gain a better quality of life. Just be the peaceful observer.

It is incredible to realize just how frequently we live in a judgmental state once we start to really pay attention.

We can access inspiration and higher qualities of life experiencing more zest in life simply by refraining from judging, and then life gets magical!

So the next time someone initiates discussions judging or to complain about something, try this;

Refrain from joining in! They may get annoyed but..they will know you are leading them to their upgrade of consciousness… by refraining from actively judging in solidarity with that person, you instantly become present and have access to a blissful beautiful moment that has inherent power… to access magic and inspiration!

It instantly allows you access a very special magic. The flow of infinite possibilities comes from this place.

It allows you to be the recipient of a “NOW VIBE” and you can turn immediately to creativity, inspiration “solution” ideas fun positivity joy and your natural state will become happiness as a result.

Non-judgement is not really an activity or a practice though.

It is simply an awareness that you avoided that temptation to judge because you are more valuing the beauty of the present moment.

You are acknowledging the gratitude of the present moment as a chance to be fully maximizing it.

You can then literally celebrate the positive side effects which, believe me, you will start to realize.

It is not necessary to judge. When we relinquish our need to constantly classify things as good or bad, right or wrong, then we experience more dazzling magic in our presence. Our abilities and ideas grow. The positive energy we emanate expands and people will feel that.

I have an unquenchable thirst for more and more wisdom. Deepak Chopra is just one of my famous authors and in his book, Creating Affluence, this subject of “judgments” really grabbed my attention.

I hope the words of my post resonate with you. 💞

There is a beautiful quote I love, by Rumi

“Out beyond right doing and wrong doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”

Joanna Renner
@The_NJ_ FengShuiRealtor

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