Beyond Real Estate đź’Ą Synchronicities

Beyond Real Estate đź’Ą Synchronicities

The Purpose of Passion ❤️

Passion is the key 🔑 to open up the dialogue to your Authentic Self and live a life that is guided with synchronicities💥

Acting on your passion creates the dialogue between you and your higher self.

Your higher self communicates to you, not through thoughts, but through feelings and especially P A S S I O N đź’Ą and you communicate to your higher self by taking A C T I O N to pursue that passion.

Your higher self continues to guide you as you continue to act. đź’Ą

Take every single action possible to pursue your passion until there is no more perceivable further action.

When you perceive any limitation for further action, allow yourself to be guided to follow anything “enjoyable” as a break from the perceived limitation.

This inner guidance to do something “enjoyable” will keep you in line with the frequency of even more synchronicities and guidance. 💥

This is how it works.

Don’t fall into the trap where most people shift to a lower vibrational frequency when they are faced with a roadblock or perceived limitation, this is what sabotages the guidance connection to higher self ultimately derailing your success in that endeavor.

Have no assumption of the outcome just do it out of passion.

Also when something comes that you don’t prefer use it as contrast to confirm what you do prefer.

Learn more in the “4 Week Authentic YOU Program.” That I offer:


Joanna Renner
Life Coach
The NJ Feng Shui Realtor