How To Find Your “Why” – A Step By Step Process

How To Find Your “Why” – A Step By Step Process

There is a desire or reason found in the depth of your heart that motivates you toward the life you desire to have.

It defines the meaning of your existence and how it relates to you living a fulfilling life.

When this fire is ignited, your soul comes alive.

It is unique to you and aligns with your skills, abilities, and desires for what you want to achieve in your lifetime.

This is your “why” ❤️

Being consciously aware of your “why” will make your priorities clearer and motivate you to achieve whatever it takes to meet the goals you’ve set for yourself when you align with it. 💥

When we’re unaware of our reason, our purpose, we may feel as though something is missing or find it difficult to stay motivated in our everyday life. We may also feel like something is keeping us “stuck” that we can’t quite put our finger on.

It’s the reason you get out of bed in the morning. Not just because the alarm went off, but because you have a zest for life. 🔥

If you don’t feel that, you may not have defined your “why” yet.

Allow your mind to wander and wonder all the things you are naturally good at without stress or strain. Be mindful to steer away from what will make someone else happy.

Once you discover what you imagine as your ideal life circumstances categorically, such as your career, personal life, and health, pedal backwards to how you got there.

Happiness can be define as both “Having enjoyment now in this moment and also simply having something great to look forward to” therefore, we can decide to be and create this for ourselves with small and big things.

Start out at your happiest end result then pedal backwards to what needed to take place in order for you to have gotten there. Each step of the way becomes something to look forward to!

Fast forward to the result, then rewind to how you got there.

Repeat this and start to craft for yourself a special unique reasoning for “why” that is your happiest end result goal.

Your “why” can be to create a loving and supportive life for your family. Love of family is a common “why” it also involves being the healthiest version of yourself emotionally and physically with resources to support you financially.

These resources are an exchange of energy and value. Take a look at your own value and how you can expand on it even further. Even more importantly, examine the ways you may embody exuberance through the journey of expressing yourself as that value.

Your why can be to help others avoid suffering something you suffered from or helping others to go through a process with less stress such as buying a house.

If you take time to cement this “why” statement into stone for your 2023 vision 💥, I am confident your motivation will increase as a result and with it so will the positivity in your attitude.

These are some questions you can ask yourself to find out more what your actual why is.

What are you good at better than anyone and what exactly makes your ability as unique as it is?

If you were to win a special award, what would it be for?

What brings you incredible joy?

What do people come to you for help with?

In what situations are you easily able to be your true self?

Allow your mind to wander. Notice what you notice. Take deep long breaths and relax into this process. Write down some things that arise.

Then fast forward and visit again that happy end result 💥

Write down your “why” and be able to articulate it at any given moment. 💥

It’s very important to revisit this process every year and set a visual reminder in your home and office for it.


Joanna Renner
Life Coach 💥❤️
The NJ Feng Shui Realtor


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