How To Tap Into Higher Consciousness To Live A Fulfilled Life 

How To Tap Into Higher Consciousness To Live A Fulfilled Life 

Sometimes we really want change but when we have the opportunity to take action we stop ourselves.

You can’t override what is stopping you if you don’t know what it is!

In my coaching, my gift is LISTENING so I can understand the programs you are running.

There are little codes inside your words, how you think and speak but most people live their lives not knowing the patterns they themselves have created. I can see them crystal clear!

Have you ever heard the term higher consciousness and quickly dismissed it as some new hippy lingo?

I want to explain that higher consciousness simply means being aware of what your thoughts, reasonings, and beliefs are and that you are not those thoughts beliefs and reasonings. You are actually an extension of God as an infinite powerful creator spirit being.

Sometimes we really want change but when we have the opportunity to take action we stop ourselves.

This is common because we have deep strong programs inside our body. It literally feels like someone is standing in front of us saying NO don’t do it. That someone is you.

I have trained myself to recognize these powerful barriers and that is what people call higher consciousness.

Recently I decided to envision something fun that will help me to override barriers.

Let’s say for example you have low self esteem and are afraid to be around people because you constantly think terrible things about your appearance.

This is very common and society has normalized this act of constant self criticism.

It is a program that is encouraged. Self love or self confidence is viewed as conceit. And talking bad to ourselves is viewed as “humble” and has become accepted. Crazy right? It’s emotionally unhealthy and limiting.

So imagine you are invited somewhere that is an opportunity that may lead to you achieving your goals and because of your self talk you create a thousand excuses not to go.

You even throw in a some harsh self criticism during those minutes of decision making.

Awareness is like a bell that goes off. Higher consciousness is an alert that makes you see that good intention for your goal or change has brought you an opportunity and your response to the opportunity is not matching your desired outcome all because of your program.

So now you can override your program because you are aware it exists.

Before, you just responded to match your program but now you actually see where it differs from your true wishes in life.

I believe higher consciousness it is the KEY to a fulfilled life.

We all have programs in us that are so crazy powerful keeping us low and stuck. It even feels super strenuous to attempt overriding them!

One of the techniques that I use invites in the positive opposite or what we prefer our new program to be.

Let me tell you, it is sometimes SO HARD to override our existing programs so I developed this super fun visual to help my coaching clients.

After you say what you want toninvite in as your new program, ask the universe or God, “what needs to orchestrate for this to be true right now?”

Then go ahead and take the action that you tried to talk yourself out of in the first place.

You wanted change right? So the new opportunity came forth for that change to unfold, but you stay stuck because your old program is like NO don’t do it!

Next time this happens imagine and picture yourself getting excited, holding your nose, squeezing your eyes shut, holding your breath and jumping in to a cold lake!

This fun visual is to symbolize you going ahead with the action your old program tried to convince you not to do.

Why does this work? Because in vividly visualizing the jump, you elevate your frequency from fear to excitement and fun. It’s a frequency hack. Shh don’t tell anyone. 🤫

This can be implemented for so many fears that stand in the way to necessary experiences that lead you to your big goals dreams or outcomes.

Even getting out of a warm bed for a hike when it’s winter to stay fit.
So in this case you ask the universe or God “What needs to happen for me to get motivated early mornings to hike even when it is cold?” By asking what needs to happen, the mechanics for its fulfillment activate instantly.

We must must must remember our power to rewrite the script of our own programs. We must remember our power in the co-creation of our path in life.

In putting the question out there, new ideas may pop right into your mind like set timer for coffee pot. Have invincible winter gear to keep you warmer? A friend may unexpectedly call to join you. It is miraculous the power we have when we take the reins and lead our own horse where we want to go.

Then get excited by vividly imagining with all of your senses, imagine yourself holding your nose, squeeze your eyes shut, hold your breath and just JUMP!


Joanna Renner
Life Coach
Feng Shui Master


[email protected]

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