Shift Your Reality With The Power Of Focus

Shift Your Reality With The Power Of Focus

Which way do you lean? 🌸 

I shared this analogy in my coaching yesterday. 

We are like flowers choosing where we face each day. ☀️ 

All day long we choose where we put our attention. We make decisions minute by minute about what we choose to spend our precious minutes thinking, doing and being. 

I am reminding you that where this attention goes, reality in our outer world shortly follows.

When we are upset we are choosing to be upset. The domino effect boom boom boom cascades and keeps on going right? We see proof that we are right.

The analogy that I used was effective so I am sharing it now with you. 

Whether you are a beautiful flower or a struggling flower, why would you choose to lean away from the sunshine? 

Do you want to lean towards the warm sun? Of course that feels better. 

When you catch yourself feeling sorry for yourself, complaining, or being unsatisfied, it is like leaning towards the cold shade away from the sun. 

This vivid visual reminds you of your own free will choice about what to focus on. Switch in that moment and lean to the warm sunshine. Focus on the desired outcome instead of the problem, just sunshine and solutions. 

Imagine your face smiling, shining and warming up to all of what you desire instead. 

Focus on the warmth of your cheeks. Your flower petals are nourished! 

It is good to establish the problem but I also want to hear about what you prefer for your outer world. What do you prefer to be your current reality? That is, in effect, leaning toward the sun. ☀️

Simply by focusing on what you prefer, you receive the synchronicities for that to become real. That is how it really works! 


Joanna Renner
Life Coach
Feng Shui Master


[email protected]


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