Self Sabotage: How It Affects You & How To Stop It

Self Sabotage: How It Affects You & How To Stop It

Have you ever achieved your goals then acted excited and happy yet still a little shocked?

So you worked really hard, stayed focused, got exactly what you wanted but you suddenly self sabotage by becoming disorganized or taking on negative behaviors.

This is like an Eagle gliding, it is suddenly stopping mid-air to say, “Wow, I can’t believe I am flying and I even make it look easy too!”

Suddenly it lets go of the extended wing posture, bends its wings to look at itself in disbelief and plummets down to a crash landing.

Sound fun? While it isn’t common with Eagles, it is very common with many people.

Self sabotage in your own success and relationships can become a pattern.

You have everything you wanted then the vibrational energy of your true subconscious beliefs kick in to start attracting the negative things that it matches.

If you start saying negative self talk to be humble (which we were taught by the way to do this) these words create a vibration and attract what matches in your future circumstances.

The self talk that actually matches our success we were taught is conceited so we make sure we don’t say them to ourselves. This needs to be corrected asap.

Here’s how to stop the old ways of life and that damaging pattern before it happens again this year 💥

If we take a little trip back into our childhood, think and try to recall a time when you were doing something GREAT.

Maybe a sibling was jealous and started treating you badly because you being great made them feel less than. Allow your mind to wander.

Maybe, a best friend decided to stop being your friend as a result. Maybe a parent thought what you did great could have been done even better and told you that you weren’t good enough?

Maybe you witnessed one of your family members achieve something wonderful but then there was a tragic event and loss that occurred around that same time so now you have panic surrounding achievements.

Your self talk and your beliefs can always be led to the ones imprinted into your memory that tell you things like;

I don’t deserve it.

I’m not special or good enough.

I won’t be liked if so am too great.

Or there’s too much competition.

Maybe a belief such as, “Something really bad will happen if I am successful?”

These super stealthy beliefs act like a light beacon on the beach calling in a repeat pattern to show up because that beacon has become our silent point of attraction hiding right alongside the success point of attraction we consciously put there and desired.

These two very different points of attraction create inner discomfort and conflict with one another distorting the vibrational feeling you are sending out.

When something of an ordinary set back shows up, bam 💥, that pesky beacon lights up even brighter causing a silent energy field of, “See I told you that you don’t deserve success!”

This internal discomfort happens when words and actions stop aligning and we begin to steer off our path of successful behaviors as a result to make what the belief says become true. Self sabotage!

You know what happens next right?

We fall like the eagle who doesn’t believe it really deserves to be flying.

For 2023, I am suggesting you draw a big red circle around these childhood events, and that you lovingly let them go.

You can only do this from an expanded state of being. Where you are fully connected to the inner corridor of your higher self.

The space between your self doubt and your self guidance. Delete those old stories across all time and space.

Your new awareness will act like an Eagle soaring without any doubts beaming total confidence it will reach its destination as intended.


Joanna Renner
Life Coach
The NJ Feng Shui Realtor


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