Try this: The 3 Secret Breaths Technique

Try this: The 3 Secret Breaths Technique

Happy Gratitude Weekend!

Are you invited to gatherings this weekend or having one of your own?

Will there be someone present who you perceive as extremely negative? Some one you feel triggered by?

Try this … the 3 Secret Breaths Technique 😉

Try 3 slow deep secret and intimate nourishing breaths.

Try to experience the breaths by vividly imagining your body welcoming oxygenated air to circulate throughout all of your cells.

Inhale slowly deeply feel the love then exhale it all out just as slowly.

It takes you to a very intimate private space within yourself. Visualize your energy expanding out positivity and love vibes 360 degrees around as you exhale each one.

As if the room is dark and your light emanating from you reaches every nook and cranny of space around you with positivity.
Especially when someone is extremely negative towards you or near you, just release the urge to react.

Release the negativity brewing inside of you and turn off the flame to stop even the process of cultivating a reaction.

Take 3 super secret….long….amazing, oxygenated, nourishing breaths…..feels so good.

With each one expand your vibe out with positivity which is really actually “love energy” your energy will actually be felt by those around you.

I have tried this many times and it even worked with my dogs!

Sounds silly, but when I have already taken care of all my dog’s needs and he seems to be barking to have people food or extra outings when it isn’t possible, he sometimes barks like right in my face.

It was to the point where it was upsetting my peace on a daily.

So I did this which always works with people and decided to try it out on my dogs.

I expanded my energy, breathed deeply, silently thinking I love I love I love 💕💞💕

This is not like Ralph Cramdin from the Honeymooners, who says Pins and Needles Needles and Pins technique lol although it is similar 😂

If you are too young to know what I am talking about, youtube it! Lol so hilarious how he tried hard to deal with anger.

Anyway, after the third deep breath, I relaxed into it.

I love I love I love 💕💕💕 and I really felt it in my soul💞

The dog literally stopped barking and responded by laying down snuggled next to me.

By doing this you can literally create change around your environment!

This way you can avoid generating more negative consequences around you and as a ripple effect into the environment you expand good vibes literally💞💞💞

You don’t want to add negativity into the world around by reacting to this person or situation, do you? So much talk about saving the environment…Try first with your energy vibe!

If you release negativity by “reacting” to the negativity you perceive from others, you have been successfully “triggered” and you will only create more negativity for yourself.

Instead allow yourself to be reminded or “triggered” to do the 3 breaths!

Trigger your love love love vibe instead!

After the three long oxygenated breaths, it is as if you filled your body and mind up with your infinite self. Pure unconditional love. Pure confidence, pure knowingness..the real you.

Your own positivity generator is inside of you for free.

You are emanating out counteracting with positive vibes instead of adding to the negativity, you literally extinguish the negativity or “transmute” it or at the very least, you make it diminish greatly.💞

Have fun socializing with the secret power of the 3 breaths. 💞💞💞

Don’t make it obvious, or else people will think you are hyperventilating lol! Do it slowly quietly within your own space, I love I love I love and notice the shift in the energy of the entire room. 😉

Have an amazing weekend!
Off to an open house in Hamilton NJ


The facilitator of positive exchanges and positive transactions 🙏🏻

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