Are People Who Have Boldly Relied On Popular Real Estate Sites And Apps Fixin To LOSE?

Are People Who Have Boldly Relied On Popular Real Estate Sites And Apps Fixin To LOSE?

Are people who have boldly relied on popular real estate sites and apps fixin to LOSE?

You may be thinking you already understand supply and demand as it pertains to real estate but I wrote this to shed light on an “under the radar” subtle change I noticed👇

Low inventory has changed how popular web sites operate! In turn, the marketing game has GREATLY shifted to expose the true worth that a seasoned Real Estate marketing expert you hire offers!

Now more than ever, strategic marketing presentation and Social media both internal and public has played the most important key role in selling all my recent listings NOT popular real estate web sites. Look what’s happening!

Recent data shows that in Monmouth County NJ the inventory is down 46% but how does this affect the way buyers find homes?

There is a second important PART to this data and that is the TIME it takes to secure a buyer. I promise this is not another boring article about supply and demand. Keep reading! 😎

As a seller, you may think wow I can sell and for more than what it is worth no problem right?

Or if you are a buyer, you may feel discouraged. 😓 Don’t be!

I wrote this article to shed light on something you may not realize that is killing your chances to win!

Who you choose as a realtor has NEVER been more important! The incredible value of a seasoned agent is KEY 🔑 now more than ever before. Here are VERY INTERESTING reasons why👇

In previous years, it may have taken weeks even months for some properties to secure a buyer

BUT NOW, because of low inventory and heightened demand, almost all the homes secure a buyer within the VERY FIRST DAY!!

Less time a house stays available means less inventory, and even worse, less chances to win it similar to the game, Wack a Mole, at the arcade!

Popular web sites are failing consumers in my opinion now more than ever before🔑 we had a huge trend where buyers relied on their own searches before engaging an agent using these same popular web sites that are failing them today!

What is one thing needed to win?

That’s right, Speed! A seasoned agent who offers something these popular web sites do not! REAL TIME ACTIVE STATUSES!

Partnering with a top agent serves as INCREDIBLE value now more than ever if you seek to win on multiple offers, I’ll explain why. 👇

Since Popular real estate web sites make their money selling buyer leads to realtors who pay, they rely on ONE THING, and that is INVENTORY!

Well, now they have much less inventory to advertise, not only less inventory but MUCH LESS TIME that they can hold on to inventory in their feed.

So half the inventory and only available for the blink of an eye? Can you see how this poses a HUGE revenue problem for these web site who sell buyer leads to agents?

Interestingly, I have noticed these clever web sites seem to have changed the speed with which they update their data.


Why would they do this?

Perhaps and I am just guessing here, perhaps these slower updates are deliberate?

This instantly creates the perception of more inventory doesn’t it?

In turn, it equals more buyer leads to their customers which are actually realtors who pay to connect with active buyers.

Problem solved, right?

NOT QUITE! This in my opinion creates a bigger long term reliablity and reputation problem for these online companies.

It has backfired in a BIG WAY👇and these same bold users are noticing the true value in staying connected to their trusted agent for accurate information as a result.

For example, when a home is no longer available because it is under contract, these web sites used to change the status immediately to “pending” This alerted users to skip and look for other homes.

Now, I noticed that the homes still show up as active for many days in some cases weeks prior to being updated.

Here is where it makes users mad 👇

The same algorithm to slow down the update backfires when a home who’s deal fell through and is back on the market available again, these same sites are slow to put it back as ACTIVE as well! “OOPS YOU LOSE!”

So in an effort to take care of their own revenue stream, these web sites are struggling to think of ways to hold onto inventory which is really no longer there and in my opinion making themselves LESS realiable in a market where SPEED is TRULY THE KEY!

Conversely, when selling your home, if you choose a realtor who does not have their own marketing strategies, Not the usual mls and these websites. YOU LOSE something you never even thought about. Proper exposure to consumers who broke up with those web sites due to frustration!

When you choose a realtor who is not saavy in Social Media strategies, YOU LOSE.

When you choose a realtor who does not offer a real time app that actually updates for their real time, YOU LOSE.

If you do not choose a trusted top agent from Companies like Keller Williams Realty who had the foresight to see this coming or others who have a LIVE FEED search app straight from the mls for its users then YOU as a buyer, MAY LOSE MANY OPPORTUNITIES!

The same goes for sellers also! Saavy realtors have interconnected networks of FB pages and long standing relationships with other trusted realtors who may have already vetted clients for your sale are key. 🔑

I can not stress it enough especially for sellers who have the idea that web sites SELL their home. This could not be further from the truth and I will explain why.

Low inventory has changed how popular web sites operate! In turn, the marketing game has GREATLY shifted to expose the true worth that a seasoned Real Estate marketing expert you hire offers!

Besides the marketing, keep in mind the process continues to be crucial as well. Educating about this process helps remove stress from a real estate transaction. I have written an article to speak specifically about this here 👇

Blog – Joanna Renner

A seasoned realtor has first hand experiential knowledge of the inventory. Not just sends their buyer agents. They need to go view, yes even smell, and walk as many properties as possible. Pictures are deceiving and you want a realtor that can tell you about the inventory after having been inside. You may not realize but this is how they can defend your home in comparison when negotiating.

If a realtor has not seen what your potential buyers expect to see at a certain price points in a certain neighborhood. YOU LOSE again. Comparable sales are no longer the key but more so the CONDITION for proper inexpensive changes and proper pricing.

There are so many valuable tips top agents offer. I invite you to see the staging guide I wrote and created to prepare a home for market on my web site or contact me for the link. In my guide, I outline many ways one can avoid making a bad first impression to the buyer.

As you can see, now more than ever, strategic marketing presentation and Social media both internal and public has played the most important key role in selling all my recent listings NOT popular real estate web sites.

Launching the listing correctly to be marketed not only to mls and popular now lagging web sites, but within the realtor’s own internal and public company social media pages is VALUE! Offering tools and knowledge is also key!

The value in these tools extend down to their buyers and sellers.

Low inventory conditions never needed this more than now, the strategic plan of a multi-talented listing agent to achieve the highest possible sale price.

For buyers there are two key factors to win. Speed and Offer positioning.

With speed being paramount, you will lose if you rely on your own online searching.

The other is proper vetting AHEAD OF TIME to assist with Speed. Having an up to date pre-qualification ahead of time, to be postioned as strongly as possible is KEY 🔑 There are some effective strategies to win bids only a seasoned realtor can offer.

If you have further questions, I invite you to reach out directly. Let’s win!

Fondly yours,

Joanna Renner
Keller Williams Realty West Monmouth. 


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